We’re Not Twins We’re Brothers

The hubby and I decided that we would have two kids beginning two years after our nuptials.  The decision to start our family two years after our wedding came easy deciding on having two not so easy. You see my loving husband at first put his number in at “as many kids as I would give him” and once pressed for an actual number stated three, I on the other hand wanted one. Well in a marriage the very first thing you learn how to do quickly is to  COMPROMISE, so our compromise was two. After considering the benefits of having two (built in playmate, no odd man out, man on man defense…) we were happy with our decision.

Now, we had to decide on the spacing between the children surprisingly this decision came easier than one might think. Hubby had always wanted to start his family before he was thirty and I did not want to be pregnant beyond the age of twenty eight. Well seeing how my hubby would be thirty at the time we would began attempting to have children and I twenty six that only left us a window of  two years to have children based off our individual wants. Now thinking as a married couple considering the medical risk and the cost associated with having children so close in age amongst other things, the best thing for us and how we envisioned our family was to either A) have twins or B) attempt to have them as close as possible or what some may call Irish twins. Our boys are 10 days shy of being a year apart.

As Romee and Deakin tells the many people who ask us are they twins when we are out, “We’re not twins, we’re brothers.”


  1. Yep, 15 1/2 months apart for mine. We get the “twins” question all the time! Love me some Romee & Deakin!

  2. aawww – I like this post! You are in for a treat! Mine are 22 months apart – we never get the twin question (the oldest is so much taller) but oohhh the adventures …

  3. God bless you! They’re such handsome boys! You must have the patience of Job, or at the very least, a saint!

  4. Great post! Your boys are too cute! Thank you for sharing. My husband and I are in the midst of this discussion now…we shall see what happens.

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