Photo Credit: 23andMe
The hubby gifted me a 23andMe DNA Collection Kit for Christmas and I must say it was the perfect gift! You see we have the MOST inquisitive child ever known to man. Who knew that day (prior to Christmas) when I was talking with the hubby about the inevitable questions that will be coming about our heritage and felt it important to have the facts on hand when asked he was actually listening! A major part of our parenting strategy is staying two steps ahead of our little ones and 23andMe is an opportunity for us to do just that. So not only did the hubby get me a kit he also got one for himself! Now our boys can have a complete picture of their heritage.
Photo Credit: 23andMe
There are several different DNA Testing companies to choose from, but if you decide to go with 23andMe this is what you can expect on your report.
- See how your DNA breaks out across 31 populations worldwide.
- Trace parts of your ancestry to a specific group of individuals from 1,000+ years ago.
- Explore genetic similarities and differences between you and your relatives.
- Discover how much Neanderthal DNA you inherited.
- Opt- in to connect with people who share DNA with you.
We took the time to demonstrate just how easy it is to collect your DNA and send it off in the video below!
I must say that after filming the above video our little guys are on pins and needles waiting for the results and so are we. But sadly we have to wait 6-8 weeks to get the results back. We will make sure to share them with you guys when we get them!
Have you traced your ancestry? Did you find something unexpected?