Weight Loss Challenge- Blue Plate Special

As a reminder I am in a weight loss challenge with my friend and fellow blogger Mushy Mamma to see who can lose the largest percentage weight within 90 days. You know the saying “it’s the little things that counts”, well I decided to use that as my motto towards a healthier lifestyle and to win this challenge! Here is one little change that can potentially make a BIG difference.

Of course we all know and have heard that eating off a smaller plate in general will help control your portion size. The recommended size is a 9 inch plate instead of the now standard dinner size of 11-12 inches. But, have you heard that eating off a blue plate can aide in losing weight. I did a little research and found some info on ColorMatters.com that upheld this theory. Apparently blue is the least appetizing color and thus acts as an appetite suppressant. The main reason being that it is rare to find a food in nature that is the color blue. Probably like you, when I read that I tried to think of some blue food, but only came up with blueberries (which tend to look violet in my opinion). They even suggest putting a blue light in your refrigerator and even more extreme dying your food blue. Now I don’t know if I would be willing to do the latter, but I can certainly buy a new plate.  

So for the past week I have been eating all of my meals off smaller blue plates instead of my over-sized white place settings. My portion size has definitely decreased and I haven’t had a desire to go back for seconds. Maybe there is something to this Blue Plate Special!!!

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